Version 0.16
Sheriff's ESLint plugin supports the flat config which will be the default in ESLint 9.
Flat config means that the file switches from .eslintrc.json
to eslint.config.js
and has a new format.
To use Sheriff with the new flat config:
// ...
const sheriff = require('@softarc/eslint-plugin-sheriff');
module.exports = tseslint.config(
// ...
files: ['**/*.ts'],
extends: [sheriff.configs.all],
You can still use the legacy mode, i.e. .eslintrc.json
// ...
"overrides": [
"files": ["*.ts"],
"extends": ["plugin:@softarc/sheriff/legacy"] // <-- new name (was default in < v0.16)
Please note, that the legacy mode's name has to be changed from default
to legacy