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Dependency Rules


Dependency rules determine which modules can access each other. Since managing dependencies on a per-module basis doesn't scale well, Sheriff utilizes tags to group modules together. Dependency rules are then defined based on these tags.

Each tag specifies a list of other tags it can access. To maintain clarity, it’s best practice to categorize tags into two groups: one for defining the module's domain/scope and another for defining the module's type.

For instance, if an application includes a customer domain and a holiday domain, these would define the domain tags.

A domain has different modules distinguished by type tags. For example, one module might contain smart components, another might have dumb components, and another might handle logic.

Domain tags could be domain:customer and domain:holiday. Type tags could be type:feature (for smart components), type:ui (for dumb components), or type:data (for logic).

In this case, each module has both a domain tag and a type tag. For example, a module containing smart components for customers would have domain:customer and type:feature. A module in the same domain but containing UI components would have domain:customer and type:ui.

Dependency rules specify that a module tagged with domain:customer can only access modules with the same domain tag. Additionally, a module tagged with type:feature can access modules tagged with type:ui and type:data.

When a module containing smart components needs to access a dumb component, Sheriff retrieves the tags for both modules. It then checks each tag of the smart component module to determine if it is permitted to access the corresponding tags of the dumb component module.

Since both modules share the same domain, access is allowed based on the domain tag. Additionally, because "type: feature" is allowed to access "type:ui", all tags are cleared, and access is granted.

Conversely, if a dumb component tries to access a smart component, access would be denied based on the type tag.

If a smart component from the customer domain tries to access a dumb component from another domain, access would be denied due to the domain tag.

Automatic Tagging

Sheriff automatically detects modules and assigns the noTag tag to them.

It assigns all files that aren't part of a module to the root module. The root module gets the root tag.

It's essential to set up the dependency rules. Specifically, the root tag (i.e., the root module) needs to access all modules tagged with noTag.

The depRules property in the sheriff.config.ts file defines the dependency rules. This property is an object literal where each key represents the tag of a module that wants to access another module. Its value specifies the tags it can access.

Initially, all modules can access each other, meaning that every noTag module can access other noTag modules.

The initial configuration from the CLI includes this setup.

Here’s an example configuration in sheriff.config.ts:

import { SheriffConfig } from '@softarc/sheriff-core';

export const sheriffConfig: SheriffConfig = {
depRules: {
root: 'noTag',
noTag: ['noTag', 'root'],

That is also the recommendation for existing projects because it allows an incremental integration of Sheriff.

For green-field projects, the manual tagging is the better option.

To disable automatic tagging, set autoTagging to false:

import { SheriffConfig } from '@softarc/sheriff-core';

export const sheriffConfig: SheriffConfig = {
autoTagging: false,
modules: {
// see below...

The root Tag

Given the following project structure:

src/app ├── main.ts ├── app.config.ts ├── app.component.ts ├── holidays │ ├── data │ │ ├── index.ts │ │ ├── internal.service.ts │ │ └── holidays-data.service.ts │ ├── feature │ │ ├── index.ts │ │ └── holidays-facade.service.ts │── core │ ├── header.component.ts │ ├── footer.component.ts

The directories src/app/holidays/data and src/app/holidays/feature are barrel modules. All other files are part of the root module, which is automatically tagged with root by Sheriff

This tagging of the root module cannot be changed. With disabled barrel-less mode (enableBarrelLess: false), which is the default, no module can access the root module.

The property excludeRoot can disable this behavior. By default. The best option, though, is to enable barrel-less mode which makes root a barrel-less module.

Manual Tagging

The modules property in the sheriff.config.ts defines barrel-less modules but also assigns tags to modules, regardless if barrel or barrel-less.

The keys of modules represent the module directories, and the corresponding values are the tags assigned to those modules.

The following snippet demonstrates a configuration where four directories are assigned both a domain and a module type:

import { SheriffConfig } from '@softarc/sheriff-core';

export const sheriffConfig: SheriffConfig = {
modules: {
'src/app/holidays/feature': ['domain:holidays', 'type:feature'],
'src/app/holidays/data': ['domain:holidays', 'type:data'],
'src/app/customers/feature': ['domain:customers', 'type:feature'],
'src/app/customers/data': ['domain:customers', 'type:data'],
depRules: {},

domain:_ and type:_ define two dimensions for the whole project. The following rules should apply:

  1. A module can only depend on other modules of the same domain.
  2. A module tagged as type:feature can depend on type:data, but the reverse is not allowed.
  3. The root module can depend on modules tagged as type:feature. Since the root module only has the root tag, there is no need to include domain tags.
import { SheriffConfig } from '@softarc/sheriff-core';

export const sheriffConfig: SheriffConfig = {
modules: {
'src/app/holidays/feature': ['domain:holidays', 'type:feature'],
'src/app/holidays/data': ['domain:holidays', 'type:data'],
'src/app/customers/feature': ['domain:customers', 'type:feature'],
'src/app/customers/data': ['domain:customers', 'type:data'],
depRules: {
'domain:holidays': ['domain:holidays'], // Rule 1
'domain:customers': ['domain:customers'], // Rule 1
'type:feature': 'type:data', // Rule 2
root: 'type:feature', // Rule 3

If these rules are violated, a linting error will be triggered:

Violation of Dependency Rules

If only the modules within the director "holidays" should get tags, and the other modules should be auto-tagged, i.e. noTag, the configuration would look like this:

import { SheriffConfig } from '@softarc/sheriff-core';

export const sheriffConfig: SheriffConfig = {
modules: {
'src/app/holidays/feature': ['domain:holidays', 'type:feature'],
'src/app/holidays/data': ['domain:holidays', 'type:data'],
depRules: {
'domain:holidays': ['domain:holidays', 'noTag'],
'type:feature': ['type:data', 'noTag'],
root: ['type:feature', 'noTag'],
noTag: ['noTag', 'root'],

Note: This setup allows any module from domain:holidays to depend on modules within the customers directory, but the reverse is not permitted.

Nested Paths

Nested paths simplify the configuration. Multiple levels are allowed.

import { SheriffConfig } from '@softarc/sheriff-core';

export const sheriffConfig: SheriffConfig = {
modules: {
'src/app': {
holidays: {
feature: ['domain:holidays', 'type:feature'],
data: ['domain:holidays', 'type:data'],
customers: {
feature: ['domain:customers', 'type:feature'],
data: ['domain:customers', 'type:data'],
depRules: {
'domain:holidays': ['domain:holidays'],
'domain:customers': ['domain:customers'],
'type:feature': 'type:data',
root: ['type:feature'],


Placeholders help with repeating patterns. They have the syntax <name>, where name is the placeholder name.

import { SheriffConfig } from '@softarc/sheriff-core';

export const sheriffConfig: SheriffConfig = {
modules: {
'src/app': {
holidays: {
'<type>': ['domain:holidays', 'type:<type>'],
customers: {
'<type>': ['domain:customers', 'type:<type>'],
depRules: {
'domain:holidays': ['domain:holidays'],
'domain:customers': ['domain:customers'],
'type:feature': 'type:data',
root: ['type:feature'],

Placeholders are available on all levels. The configuration could therefore further be improved.

import { SheriffConfig } from '@softarc/sheriff-core';

export const sheriffConfig: SheriffConfig = {
modules: {
'src/app/<domain>/<type>': ['domain:<domain>', 'type:<type>'],
depRules: {
'domain:holidays': ['domain:holidays'],
'domain:customers': ['domain:customers'],
'type:feature': 'type:data',
root: ['type:feature'],

depRules Functions & Wildcards

depRules allows functions instead of static values. The names of the tags can include wildcards:

import { SheriffConfig } from '@softarc/sheriff-core';

export const sheriffConfig: SheriffConfig = {
modules: {
'src/app/<domain>/<type>': ['domain:<domain>', 'type:<type>'],
depRules: {
'domain:*': ({ from, to }) => from === to,
'type:feature': 'type:data',
root: ['type:feature'],

or use sameTag, which is a pre-defined function.

import { sameTag, SheriffConfig } from '@softarc/sheriff-core';

export const sheriffConfig: SheriffConfig = {
modules: {
'src/app/<domain>/<type>': ['domain:<domain>', 'type:<type>'],
depRules: {
'domain:*': [sameTag, 'shared'],
'type:feature': 'type:data',
root: ['type:feature'],